My Services
Lactation Consultation
Feeding through breastfeeding, chest feeding, or offering human milk (including through exclusive pumping) to meet family’s goals. This assessment focus on the use of human milk to nourish and comfort your infant. Assessment consists of a detailed medical history of the lactating parent(s) and infant, assessment of infant’s feeding and parent’s milk production, discussion of family’s goals and creating a detailed plan to meet these goals.
Infants through weaning

Swallowing & Dysphagia Therapy
Feeding and swallowing is the most complex task an infant does. It requires coordination of three skills, suck-swallow-breath. Infants who would benefit from this type of assessment may be coughing or choking with feeding, not accepting enough milk and/or solids for adequate growth, have recurrent respiratory illnesses, weaning from nasogastric or gastric feeding tube, or congestion and/or parents have concerns. Assessment if completed in person is through detailed case history and observing your infant eat. Further assessment through an instrumental swallow study may be recommended. A detailed plan and follow-up will be provided based on the assessment.
Ages: Birth - Adult

Tummy Time!™ Method
TummyTime! Method is a systematic approach to tummy time that allows caregivers and infants to communicate with each other while developing motor skills. TTM is recommended for newborns, infants and families from birth through crawling. Motor development supports achieving the breastfeeding/chestfeeding and infant feeding goals of the family. TTM consult and classes give parents and caregivers the skills they need to achieve motor development goals and make tummy time fun for the whole family.
"Is it okay for a newborn to do TummyTime?" YES! The gold standard is tummy time on a parent's chest (preferably skin to skin) for the first 2-3 weeks of extrauterine life. After this, a blanket on the floor with a loving caregiver is a safe place for tummy time.

Instrumental Swallow Studies
Lillian completes dynamic and thoro videofluoroscopic swallows studies (also called modified barium swallow studies) and Fiberoptic Endoscopic Examination of Swallowing (FEES). These studies assess the oral and pharyngeal function and safety of swallowing in infants-adults. One of these studies may be recommend if the client is showing difficulty with swallowing and more information is needed. Please contact Lillian to learn if this is the best option for you.
Videofluroscopic Swallow Study of an Adult that is Normal

Invited Speaker
Lillian enjoys sharing her knowledge and skills with parents, students, and professionals. She has experiences presenting to parent support groups, students in the academic settings, and at professional conferences at the local, regional, national, and international level. Some of her favorite topics to discuss are dysphagia, breastfeeding/chestfeeding in the complex infant, instrumental swallow studies, and collaborative teams of SLPs & IBCLCs. Please contact Lillian to inquire about her presenting and educating at your next event.